• Lorem ipsum

Shipping charges based on cart rough weight and country of delivery, 9/2021

Switzerland & Liechtenstein:

0 to 2 kg = 7.90 CHF
2 to 30 kg = 9.90 CHF
Special shipment rate for Papier d'Arménie: 2.90 CHF (max. 2 dozens)
From 79.00 CHF free shipping

Important information:
Whenever possible, we send your orders by "Midilettre" (priority mail up to 500g). This depends on the goods (fragile or not), the size (maximum 5cm) and the total gross weight, which must not exceed 500g.
Midilettres are in fact small priority parcels, delivered the next day with the post, and which we charge CHF 4.90 for.
This type of shipment is possible for Papier d'Arménie, a few boxes of incense, a few sachets of Mastic or resins, etc.
If your order is sent in this way, your payment (Postfinance, Twint, Mastercard or Visa) will be adapted.


Metropolitan France & Monaco:

0 to 4 kg brut = 9.90 CHF

European Union:

0 to 0.5 kg = 14.90 CHF
0.5 to 1 kg = 17.90 CHF
1 to 2 kg = 19.90 CHF
2 to 5 kg = 28.50 CHF

Payment methods

  • Postcard & E-finance (Switzerland only)
  • Credit cards (Visa and MasterCard).
  • Twint (Switzerland only)
  • Bank or postal transfer
    To our Postfinance account

For payments in advance, use following informations to do your transfer:

Account number: 17-751521-3
IBAN N°: IBAN CH58 0900 0000 1775 1521 3
BIC/SWIFT Code : POFICHBE, Clearing number: 09000
Account name: INDIAN SHOP, chemin Delay 5, CH-1214 VERNIER
Bank name and place : SWISS POST - PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern

Order are processed as soon as we receive your payment.

For any payment via Twint, please scan the barcode below and send us the corresponding amount.

Twint - INDIAN SHOP - www.padmini.ch

Please note: a payment via this Twint QR-code is completely anonymous. If you pay us money without giving us your contact details, we have no way of knowing who made the payment.